Saturday, August 29, 2020

This IS the Day

My journal entry from August 25:

I was just on facebook, commenting in jest, about the catastrophe 2020 is...and I was immediately convicted.

"Did I not make 2020, too?" - I almost audibly heard in my spirit.


It's true there have been major challenges this year for ALL of us. I'm fully aware it's been worse for some and great for others. However, this is [still] the day the Lord has made and I choose to rejoice in it!

Today, I get to plan our homeschool year. I'm not stressed or angry or frustrated. I don't have someone telling me what's the best way of teaching the children I know better than anyone else. I don't say that to boast, but because it's merely true. I know these "plans" are written in pencil and can easily be changed if and when the plan doesn't fit the child. THIS IS THE DAY

Today, I can look back on the year we've had so far and see blessing over blessing over blessing!

Every need met. Every challenge overcome. Because...THOSE ARE THE DAYS.

Food has been on the table for every meal. Bills paid to enjoy the luxuries of electricity, indoor plumbing and a comfortable climate control. More time spent with family to remember THIS IS THE DAY. 

So much time to prioritize what matters and to recognize the difference of a need and a want. 

A mirror to realize I was a liar when I said I don't spend more time with, or do more, because "I'm too busy". In reality, I just didn't want to. Still, THIS IS THE DAY.

I rejoice in all the time I've been able to fill my mind with the Truth that never changes, God's Holy Word. (Psalm 33:4-9) 

I rejoice in weird Z00M birthday parties that would have gone uncelebrated if we didn't have the blessing of a virus. 

I rejoice in the family of seven who lives within these walls. So much laughter. So much joy. Because THIS IS THE DAY.

I rejoice in friends and family who have remained healthy AND those who have recovered from sickness. Did you know - when you're sick, it is STILL A DAY THE LORD HAS MADE?!

The blessing of TODAY will far outshine the shadows. 

I don't know who this post is for. Perhaps, just a personal reminder to look back on. But this is just a little reminder of a bigger picture than just myself.


"You crown the YEAR with your GOODNESS..."

Psalm 65:11