Monday, November 15, 2010

It's that time of year...again!

Perhaps I'll make it a habit of starting off my posts with...well I can't believe how long it's been since I've posted!
Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Literally. Like next week. It's very exciting to be able to plan our family trip to get together with family. I certainly enjoy letting everyone see Collin as he grows so much in our time apart. It thrills my heart when people "ooh and ahh" over him!
Collin is now about 28 months old. Almost halfway through the "terrible twos". I don't necessarily believe in calling this stage "terrible" mostly because I want to avoid labeling my son that. He is NOT TERRIBLE. He has his moments of breaking down (at the most inconvenient times)and the strong will that he probably inherited from his mommy, but it's not terrible. Not even close. It's wonderful! It's joyous! It's our baby going through that transition from baby to boyhood. It's so exciting to see him grow up both physically, mentally and emotionally. What a treasure this time is for our family. We will never have these days again with him. All he can do is grow. Some of his favorite things are watching Veggie Tales (he is particularly fond of 'Moe and the Big Exit' which he likes to call "wone stwanger" (trans:LONE STRANGER); playing "huk.huk.hike!" with Daddy; coloring; going to the pond to feed the ducks; and getting to see the "am-als" at the zoo!
Chris has been super busy with hail jobs, but it's finally getting to a point where he can breathe. It's nice to have him home at lunch so we can eat as a family. He has changed positions at church from leading the children's ministry to heading up the evangelism ministry on Sundays. This is his true heartbeat. His "calling" you might say. It's in his blood. He loves sharing his faith and he has been so blessed to find people who not only want to hear about it, but that want that faith too!
I (Hope) am relishing the stay-at-home life! I am determined to be as involved in our little one's life as possible. The newest endeavor in my life at the moment is leading the Ladies Bible study here in our home. This is a humbling experience, but so rewarding! The accountability that is on me is so refreshing. I enjoy the sweet personal quiet time I have while Collin is napping. It really prepares me for the lesson the Lord gives me. It's teaching me how to be transparent with people. I'm learning that I can be quite funny...go figure! Mostly, God is showing me...excuse me, teaching to let him lead me where he wants me to go!
So, there it is, our update for the month. I don't know that it is particularly "Thanksgiving blog" material, but I guess it's not the point. I want to thank God for the things I've told you, b/c the 'good' that's been happening in our lives is only by his grace and I am very thankful for that!