Sunday, August 5, 2012

Nicholas James Slegers

Everyone told me, but I couldn't believe it. That is, until April 16 when I fell in love for the third time. I suppose I should back up a bit and start from "the beginning".... It was Sunday morning and I was preparing for church. I was quite discouraged because I was STILL pregnant and was feeling like I would never have this baby. But I chose to set aside my personal feelings and to stay true to the call of ministry. Now don't get me wrong. I did not want to be in church. I did not want to sing. I did not want to socialize and be polite as everyone said, "Any day now!" in that annoying sing-song voice. I wanted my baby. I wanted to feel his soft skin and gaze into his (what I assumed to be) big blue eyes. I wanted to cuddle and embrace my little one in my arms as he peacefully nursed at my breast. I was ready. Wasn't I? So we went to church; Daddy, Mommy, Collin, Grandma and Miss Marie. I'd like to say it was nice to see everyone and to lead a great worship service, but I would be telling a lie. But I did it anyway as I've learned it's not about how I feel. Sometimes we just have to do it anyway. When church was over, I was walking down the stairs when I felt like there was an "emergency". I'm a grown woman! Grown women don't "wet" themselves. I didn't believe this was my water breaking. It was nothing like it shows in the movies or on tv. So I didn't tell anyone. I just figured contractions would come if it was real. So I continued my day as usual. We went to lunch and then Chris headed out for the last day of FriendQuest for the semester. I did give him a heads-up about the possibility of a trip to the hospital, just in case. I took Collin home and put him in bed for his afternoon nap and Pat suggested I lay down and rest. I figured it would be good, because I had started very slightyly contracting. After laying down for a whole five minutes I decided to send my mom a text that read something like this: me: THEORETICALLY SPEAKING, IF MY WATER BROKE, WOULD I START HAVING CONTRACTIONS? Mom: NOT necessarily. WHAT'S WRONG? Me: WELL...MINE MIGHT HAVE BROKE AT CHURCH, BUT NO CONTRACTIONS. I'M SURE IT'S A FALSE ALARM. Mom: GO TO THE HOSPITAL! Me: I THINK IM GONNA TAKE A NAP FIRST...DON'T TELL ANYONE OK? Mom: I ALREADY TOLD DAD, RUSTY, GRANDPA AND GRAMMA. WE ALL THINK YOU SHOULD GO TO THE HOSPITAL. Me: YES MAM. I went downstairs and told Pat all that was going on and she said, let's go! I woke Collin up from his nap, and we headed to the hospital for what I was sure was a false alarm. Nicholas James Slegers arrived the following morning (if you can call it that) at around 2 in the morning! The on-call doctor delivered him and placed him on my abdomen and I think my first words were "Hi little man!... Why isn't he crying?" he wasn't crying. He just looked at me and then the nurses took him to the warmer. Something wasn't right. One of his arms didn't seem to be moving. It was limp. The nurses called a specialist in to check on him and she said he seemed to be ok. They just kept an eye on him for the rest of the hospital stay. I am happy to say Nicholas was doing quite well by the time we left the hospital! After a whirlwind of visitors, friends and family, we have been able to settle into our new normal. I am always amazed at how deeply we are loved. It shows through the outpouring of love and prayers we receive during these most treasured moments! I'm learning how to be a wife, mother of two, daughter, friend, organizer, accountant, and Godly woman I can be with help from the Father! I am so forever blessed!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Come on BABY!

I'm in the stage of pregnancy where I.AM.DONE.
Those of you who have been there know what I'm talking about. I'm talking about waking up each morning, looking down at my ever-growing mid-section and thinking "Darn, still pregnant." Now don't get me wrong. I feel so blessed to be able to even carry a child to full term. (I am, after all, 37 1/2 weeks.) Praise God for that...I'm just struggling with the "Praise God for the discomfort and sickness and lovely side-effects of pregnancy" part. I'm ready to meet this kid. I'm ready to be able to see my feet...or at least be able to bend over and TOUCH them! I think I'm even ready to look like I'm still pregnant even though I had a baby 14 weeks ago...okay, okay. THAT is a little exaggerated, but you get my drift.
Chris is ready for a more pleasant wife.
Collin would like his mommy's lap back.
Oh yeah, and I was informed by my precious gift (Collin) that he really didn't think he wanted a boy baby anymore. A girl will be just fine! Uh...hate to disappoint you kiddo!
The joys of pregnancy seem to skip this mommy-to-be. I am not a good pregnant person. But I am still me...sort-of. Perhaps I need to be writing down what I am thankful for this time around? Let's see:
1. Thank you, Lord, for allowing me to keep up with my commitments. I not only lead worship every Sunday morning, but I've taken up the Ladies Bible Study. I've not had to skip my Sunday's (except for the one Sunday after an ER visit).
2. Thank you, Lord, for allowing me the opportunity to minister at Heart Attack! This was big deal for me with the demand on my health (voice and physical) AND this was the first camp I didn't have to deal with sinus problems.
3. Thank you, Lord, for two baby showers! I have several friends who want to celebrate and feel this baby is just as special as my first and therefore, needs to be showered too! So I had two baby showers in March. WHAT A BLESSING!!!
4. I'm thankful I have been able to take a prenatal vitamin this time around. I wasn't able to keep ANYTHING down with my first pregnancy so I'm pretty pumped this kid will be well nourished.
5. Thank you, Lord, for revealing how much I do NOT know. It makes me rely on HIM more and not myself. It amazes me, the strength that comes from my hope in Him.
Theres much more I AM thankful for, but I need a nap! OH! So I am thankful for all the naps I've been able to take too!
More to come once this baby arrives! I'll post pics too!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

And so it begins...

What an incredible past year! As January comes to a close, I wonder what new and exciting events the Lord has in store for our family for 2012. I am not a "new year's resolution" kind of girl, but I do believe we should always be striving to be better. More Christ-like. Do I reflect Him more today than I did yesterday? When I look in the mirror, am I more concerend about outward beauty, or the beautiful Life that should be within? I want others to see Jesus. Don't get me wrong, I still very much want to be pleasing to others...just not at the expense of my salvation. Jesus just wants my heart (yours too) and it amazes me how much more beautiful a lover of Jesus looks to me! THAT's what I resolve this year. I got a great album this Christmas and there is a song that the Slegers family has decided will be our family's mission statement. I highly encourage you and your family to make one as well. It doesn't have to be a song or poem, just what you want your family to be known for! (Feel free to use this one. I did.)

"I'm done building my own kingdom.
No more seeking worthless idols.
Like sheep, we have all gone astray
we must choose this day whom we will serve.

As for me and my house
We will serve the Lord
Idols raised - tear them down
We will serve the Lord


I'm done with powerless religion
No more living in deception
Like sheep, we have all gone astray
we must choose this day whom we will serve.

And we will not give our
hearts to another
We will not give our
hearts to another