Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Baby Blues

Not the kind that you automatically think of. I'm not depressed by any means! I LOVE this stay at home mom thing. What I am talking about is this...
Collin has been an excellent baby since day one (ask anyone!). However, in the past week, he has decided to test some boundaries. Napping. I usually put him down, he fusses a little for about 5 minutes or so and then drifts off to sleep for about an hour or two. But NOOOO, he suddenly has been fighting sleep for all he's worth. He screams, literally. The only thing that I have found that will console him is to pick him up, sit in our chair, and nurse him to sleep. This is not in the schedule, and he is really not hungry. He just wants to be comforted, but I don't want him to get in the habit of nursing to sleep, ya know? So this morning I had to draw a line in the sand. I let him "cry it out". It was torture. For both he and I. I think he cried for about 45 minutes. But now he is sleeping peacefully, and I did not nurse him to sleep!
The "baby blues" I'm referring to are his eyes. They just looked so pitiful, like I broke his heart. I sure hope he doesn't hate me right now...I guess it's a good thing that he is really too young to "hate". I just know how much I love that precious little boy and I just want what is best for him. Naps are not an option, they are a necessity. I know this b/c when people comment on how sweet he is, or say "He's such a good baby" it's because he gets his rest. Believe me, he NEEDS his rest.
Anyway, I just needed to let this out. Perhaps to let others know we all have our "moments" and this was mine.

1 comment:

Erica said...

Oh honey I totally empathize with you... that was Hailey and still some times is. Just remember to be firm and stick to your guns so that they know who runs the show :-) After a couple of days, he will realize it's no use crying and sleeping will become much easier. BIG HUGS!