Monday, July 20, 2009


As we creep, and suddenly RUN, to the end of our little one's first year we are left with the feeling of so many emotions. The time has never seemed to pass so quickly than since we have welcomed a child into our midst. It's hard to believe so much has happened since July of 2008: The birth of a son. A first hiking trip. Thanksgiving with Nana and Grampa. Christmas with Gramma and Uncle Joey. Uncle Rusty's graduation from BMT in January. Our 4-year wedding anniversary. My parents 25th Silver Anniversary...where has the time gone?
I am learning that motherhood is no longer about me and what I can do. It has become a time of learning. I have learned that even if I know I am selfish, I will do anything and give up anything for this precious life that God has blessed us with. I finally understand the concept of the "momma bear". I found out that no matter what I SWEAR I will do (or never do), that I am not in control of all things and that sometimes those things will happen. I am not super-woman; but I have strength I've never known. I am not a beauty queen; but I am the most precious and lovely person in our son's eyes! I found out that I am a worry-er...that's a bummer.
As I plan Collin's 1st Birthday Party, I look back on the past year as it is so bitter-sweet. God has introduced Chris and I to a love we could never know as husband and wife. We continue to build the center of our husband/wife relationship around God (he IS the center after all!) and He causes our love for one another to bloom and mature. But this new love we have found as Mommy and Daddy - no one can understand until they are there. We want so much for Collin, but we want him to be the individual he was created to be. All we can do is be the role models for our little one and let God do the rest!
I will certainly try to post photos after this One-Year celebration. This is certainly one year to CELEBRATE!!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Spring brings along with it a sense of newness. For me, it really hits me on Easter. It brings me to the realization that I am nothing and yet Christ paid the price for all my "nothingness". How humbling to know that in the midst of my sin, he paid the price so long ago. All I can do, is praise Him and know that he is Lord and Savior in my life.
We want to tell Collin about how God loves him so much, that He gave His one and only Son for him. Oh the excitement I get, to think about the choice Collin will hopefully make to choose righteousness! Our ultimate goal for our son is not necessarily happiness, but eternal life (and amazingly enough - a wonderful, unspeakable JOY).
Collin's first Easter was this year! I began to wonder how to celebrate "Easter" with a little boy. My Easter memories are filled with dresses and hats and white gloves and shiny white shoes...not exactly something I can do for a boy. But I was not going to bring him to church on Sunday morning in old clothes! So we went shopping for a special Easter outfit (sorry Babe, it really is an outfit. I know boys aren't technically supposed to wear outfits, but this is the exception). We (I) decided on a classic sweater vest and slacks with an embroidered Whinnie the Pooh on the vest and pant leg. Very cute I must say! AND we got shoes!!!! For those of you who know me at all - I love shoes; and little baby shoes are the BEST.
Along with the memory of clothing, my parents would also get us the basket (with the understanding that the bunny did not do this for us - it was Jesus!) There would be candy of course and eggs and the "big" gift could be a stuffed animal or something else. I especially recall getting a curling iron by request! I know, what can I say? So obviously, Collin needed a basket as well. There were three children here on Easter so their baskets contained the following: Angel (age 9) got the candy assortment and a Hannah Montana purse. Jordan (age 2) got the candy and a MRS. Potato-Head. Collin ended up with organic baby food and a plastic green frog that covers the bath spout! I really didn't want a stuffed animal that would be tossed out or in our next garage sale, so I went with practical. Besides, I really wanted the frog b/c it was just too cute!
Anyway, that has been our season so far. I'm sure I'll have more adventures to add to this soon!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Growing Up

Well our little Collin is growing up so fast. I am sitting at the dinner table, watching Chris feed Collin his desert...prunes. Now I know what your first reaction may be, "Prunes? Yuck!", but he LOVES them. They are the first food I ever fed him. My intention was to feed him the organic rice cereal that was to be his first food...however, Collin would have non of it! The prunes were for...well, you know...and he gobbled them up! But my reason for blogging today is NOT to tell you about prunes.
Our little bundle of joy is now 7 months old. Very exciting for both of us as we get to see the new personality of a boy who is himself. We can't fit him into this little cookie cutter and have him turn out to be a copy of anyone else. Both Chris and I are working like crazy to help shape and mold Collin into a young man of character. We don't want to make him into a puppet, but instilling morals and character is our responsibility as parents. God has entrusted us with a little one and we are to take care of him.
I have gone through many baby clothes as I try to put away the things Collin is outgrowing. Sad, but also a bit exciting too! Do you know he is almost 17 lbs? When we brought him into the doctor for his 6 month check-up, I found out he is only in the 25% for his size...a little disheartening to me. I don't understand why he isn't bigger (and I honestly wonder how big he is actually supposed to be) because he is a fat baby! He has rolls, people! But I guess he should be bigger, but he is happy and healthy for now and that's what is important.
This is all for now! Dinner is over and now we get to PLAY!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Love is in the AIR!

Many things have happened this past week. Collin and I were able to take our first trip without daddy, down to San Antonio to see my baby brother graduate from the Air Force training. I can not describe how proud I was to see him standing there with all the other young men who have decided to help defend our country! Seeing him in his uniform was such a sight...there really is something special about a man in uniform! I was able to see a confidence that has been lacking since I can remember. There was an attitude of "I am someone" and it showed in all of his actions. No longer the little boy who was uncertain of who he was. Now a man who knows his purpose! Seeing him march in the graduation parade and walking in sync with the other airmen was such a joy. I am not a prideful person, but the "pride" that arose in me was overwhelming.
This graduation was only one major milestone in the life of my little brother. Another event that I was able to witness was a proposal to my future sister-in-law! My brother is GETTING MARRIED!!! She is such a sweet girl, and I could see the love and emotion she was feeling as he knelt down to present her with her beautiful ring! She of course said YES with tears in her eyes.
This was my week and it was quite memorable!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Baby Blues

Not the kind that you automatically think of. I'm not depressed by any means! I LOVE this stay at home mom thing. What I am talking about is this...
Collin has been an excellent baby since day one (ask anyone!). However, in the past week, he has decided to test some boundaries. Napping. I usually put him down, he fusses a little for about 5 minutes or so and then drifts off to sleep for about an hour or two. But NOOOO, he suddenly has been fighting sleep for all he's worth. He screams, literally. The only thing that I have found that will console him is to pick him up, sit in our chair, and nurse him to sleep. This is not in the schedule, and he is really not hungry. He just wants to be comforted, but I don't want him to get in the habit of nursing to sleep, ya know? So this morning I had to draw a line in the sand. I let him "cry it out". It was torture. For both he and I. I think he cried for about 45 minutes. But now he is sleeping peacefully, and I did not nurse him to sleep!
The "baby blues" I'm referring to are his eyes. They just looked so pitiful, like I broke his heart. I sure hope he doesn't hate me right now...I guess it's a good thing that he is really too young to "hate". I just know how much I love that precious little boy and I just want what is best for him. Naps are not an option, they are a necessity. I know this b/c when people comment on how sweet he is, or say "He's such a good baby" it's because he gets his rest. Believe me, he NEEDS his rest.
Anyway, I just needed to let this out. Perhaps to let others know we all have our "moments" and this was mine.